Manipulated DNA?

First off, let me quote Proverbs 25. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. I am that king who searches.

During my Bible study of Judges one thing that is made very clear, or you could say, one of the most frequent verses is: “and the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord.” I am always a “why” person. “Why does someone do this”, or “why do they react this way”, why this and why that. I need answers. I dig for information. If I can’t find an answer I will spend time researching it out.

Why did the Israelites keep falling in to sin? Why did they keep repeating cycles upon cycles of idolatry. Why? Yes, I know we are man and we fall because of the fall. But, some times something is just set up in the DNA that causes people to be pre dispositioned to live a certain way. This is scriptural and scientific knowledge. DNA can be manipulated and passed down through generations. Did this happen with the Israelites?

Behind every idol is a demon. Every single time the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord, they were bowing down to idolatrous altars. The Lord would raise up a deliverer and they would have peace or rest for a certain amount of time until that deliverer passed away and then the evil works would return.

In Exodus 32 you read of the story of the Golden Calf. Moses had been up on the mountain in the presence of God and the people were impatient. They didn’t know if Moses was coming back or not so they sought out other “gods.” Aaron takes some gold rings and melted it down and made it into the shape of a calf. The people are excited, so Aaron takes it even further and makes an altar in front of the calf. The Lord tells Moses (and I paraphrase) Get off this mountain and go back to your people because they just did something wild and brought corruption on to themselves. The Lord was HOT an was about to destroy them, like, wipe them out, but Moses intercedes for them and changes the Lords mind. Moses gets down to his people, he is ticked off at this point and throws the tablets and smashes them. Moses, pay attention here, he takes the calf they had made and burned it and then he ground it in to powder, threw it in to the water, AND FORCED THE PEOPLE TO DRINK IT. Moses made the people drink idolatrous corrupted water, not only were their spirits contaminated, but now they ingested in to their bodies.

I laid all this foundation to say this, did demonic idolatry that was consumed in the water manipulate the DNA of the Israelites resulting in generations being pre dispositioned to bow to idols???

In 1 Samuel, we know every time David played his lyre for Saul the evil spirit on him would flee and he would have rest. Is this the same aspect of what we are seeing in Judges. God sends a judge to deliver the people and they have rest while the judge is alive, but once the judge is not there they fall back in to the enemies territory again. Was the DNA of the Israelites corrupted due to the drinking of the golden calf? And were the Judges a resemblance of David playing the lyre and Saul having rest while he was there??