Enneagram Test

‼️Beware of the Enneagram Test. I too, had to seek forgiveness and rebuke this out of my life.‼️

⚔️ This is worth a share ⚔️

For those not aware, the Enneagram is a said to be a nine-personality-type model of the human soul. Enneagram is rooted in the New Age, occult divination, and Islamic superstition. The roots of the Enneagram go deep into witchcraft. One root is Oscar Ichazo, a Bolivian mystic who founded the Arica School, an early basis for New Age teaching. Another root is Claudio Naranjo, a Chilean psychiatrist and founder of the Seekers of Truth Institute. Naranjo was involved in Gestalt therapy, the advocacy of psychotropic drugs in therapy, and borrowed from eastern mysticism to promote the occult idea of a divine inner family of the soul. A third source of the Enneagram is the teaching of Islamic, Sufi mystic Gurdjieff, also covered in my “World Religions” book. Gurdjieff taught a state of unified consciousness and promoted transcending to this state of full human potential. His core ideas came from supposedly meeting both real and spirit beings from Tibet to Egypt.

The Enneagram system seeks to do what Inner Healing and Deliverance through Christ does more effectively and without demonic associations.

The Enneagram is the new Christian yoga, yet another attempt to take that which is historically and foundationally demonic and sanctify it by redefinition and clever semantics. In the words of Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”