As a Christian. . .

You believe the following because you believe the Bible:

God created this Earth by speaking it.

He created man from dust.

Satan fell from Heaven.

Angels fell.

Angels took on flesh had sex with woman.

Hybrid existed. Mighty Men of Valor.

Enoch didn’t die. God took him.

A world wide flood happened.

The Tower of Babel is how we got our different languages.

All the supernatural plagues.

God would visit Abraham.

Sarah got pregnant.

Angels on the Earth.

Demons on the Earth.

A burning bush.

Moses’ rod became a snake.

Moses’ hand became infected then healed.

Aaron’s rod became a snake.

A Cloud led the Israelites.

Water from a rock.

God shows up and talks to Moses on a mtn.

A donkey talks. A DONKEY.

Waters parted.

The sun stands still.

Many encounters with “The Angel of the Lord.”

No rain for years.

Then rain because a prayer.

Ravens feed a human.

More water parting.

Chariots of Fire take Elijah.

Dead men raised.

God talks through a whirlwind.



Blessings and Cursing.

Fire didn’t engulf people.

Mary conceived a baby by a spirit.

Jesus, a God, walked this Earth as a man doing miracles in His fathers name.

Jesus died on a cross.

The ENEMY tempted Jesus.

Jesus had to walk through a wilderness.

Miracles and more miracles.

Healings and more healings.

Demons being CAST OUT of people.

Walking on water.

Feeding 1,000s.

Tombs opened.

A Spirit came and engulfed people.

Man start doing what Jesus did.

Philip teleported.

More healings.

More visions.

More casting out demons.

💥This is not even an entire list.💥

CHRISTIANS. . . who say they believe the Bible live this life like the SUPERNATURAL does not exist. The Bible is nothing but a handbook on how to live a Supernatural life. 🤓 It holds hundreds of Supernatural encounters. Why would this day and age be any different?? Who are you men & woman of God?? Why would the enemy be roaring like a lion then and not now?? Why would guarding your eyes matter then and not now?? Why would Jesus the son of God say refrain from all evil and expose it if he didn’t mean it then and now?? Why would visions & dreams happen then and not now?? If Jesus told the disciples to live a certain why would that not mean you too??

The supernatural is 100% VERY real. We live in an hour when there is great emphasis on the supernatural.

Ignorance of the mandate of Heaven over your life, ignorance of the power of the Kingdom manifesting through your life and ignorance of the glory that we are supposed to walk in is what causes us to be destroyed. The supernatural Kingdom realm is very important for us to understand, “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). — from a book can’t remember the title.

There are 2 forces that can influence your walk as a Christian—BLESSINGS & CURSING. 👈🏻

⚡️Powerful supernatural forces do NOT operate under the laws of nature. 👏🏻👏🏻 We cannot use our finite minds to make guidelines or barriers on things just because we feel things are OK, and our hearts are in the right place. 🗣️ Good intentions don’t break yolks of bondage❗️What we see is fleeting. This life is not our true kingdom. It’s the invisible eternal realm that we find our true identity. This invisible realm MOLDS your natural realm. No what trading grounds you’re standing on — Heaven or Hells. 💥 And those decisions you make do not affect just you but GENERATIONS!! Blessing or Curses.

Seek out scriptures. Learn how the supernatural works. Stop living life like casual traditionary things are OK simply because “it’s what’s been done for years.”

We can not live a life of signs and wonders I listed earlier if we’re bound under curses we have out of ignorance or don’t understand how to get free from because we’re so ready to vehemently defend anything that someone calls out. Maybe pause ask yourself have I really dug into this? Have I really searched this out? Or am I just defending this because it’s normal things we all do and I feel Ok doing it. 👈🏻👈🏻 That is the SAME demonic mindset of the transgender movement now. But what I’m doing doesn’t hurt anyone, the Lord knows my heart, I feel I’m OK. Feelings ain’t got nothing to do with it folks. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Feelings come and go but the RUACH word is eternal.

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

It’s two realms people 🙌🏼🗣️👏🏻💥

Life / Death
Heaven / Hell
Supernatural / Natural

As my friend Amanda says—- WHERE YA AT?!?