I am going to say something that most women do not want to hear. It is true, most women will snarl there nose to the idea of this. Since the Garden there has been an ongoing struggle with the alignment of homes. Since the fall there have been detrimental blows from the enemy on homes and families in this area: ROLES.

I am not talking to men in this post. I am talking to wives and moms… led by the word, wives and moms.

God created men and women equal but with different “roles.”

Women your first “role” or your first “mandate” is your home and your kids. God, spouse, kids, in that order then everything else.

👉🏼If you are out chasing a name for yourself or the American Dream while your home or kids spiral in defeat, ma’am you are out of order.

Yes, women are called to ministry.

Yes, women are called to lead.

Yes, women are called to preach.

Yes, women are called to teach.

Yes, women are called to travel.

Yes, women are called to (fill in the blank.)

Yes, Yes, Yes, to it all.

I 100% believe that all women are called to any of what I listed above and more. I will stand back in observance and watch you go, do, and be in all your anointed glory.

⚔️ In this time, the Lord is re-establishing the footing on “roles” in families.

Battles will always rage. The higher we step into our purpose the higher the level of demonic assignments are ushered out to stop us. Things will always come and go, I agree. There will always be a fire to put out somewhere in the world because we live in a sinful fallen world. I am ✨not✨ suggesting we set down our swords or war paint. I am merely suggesting we, wives and mothers, re-calibrate our priorities in the order of our divine roles *before* we step onto a battlefield. We have to first establish the correct order of things in our lives, and hearts, and then step.

We, as woman, are not called to be in any other role than what was first established during creation. It will not work any other way. It will constantly feel like we are having to rebuild the walls of our structure. But, divine order in place, our roles dialed in, sets a footing that is imperishable and can not be dismounted by the enemy.

To step back and spiritually adjust our homes, or kids, in divine order of things is not a demotion, it is an upgrade.

To place an importance on family life is not a dismantling of your calling.

Our role sets us up to be exactly what our family needs when they need it. Our role adds oil to our flame. Our role builds. Our role holds.

Wives, moms, let us not forget our first role.