Prayer: Emotional Healing

I repent for all those in my generational line, beginning with Adam and Eve, who, in their desire to know good and evil, opened a door of fear and shame.

Lord, please close the portal and cleanse the neutral pathways of the brain to reestablish your joy.

I repent for myself and for all those in my family line who have hidden themselves from their own emotions and from the Lord when He has come to help.

I choose to remove all fig leaves of self-protection and to come into the place of intimacy that the Lord Jesus provided by His redemption.

I repent for all those in my generational line who exchanged the glory of the Lord for the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

Lord I declare that all wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ; and I choose to set my mind on things above.

I repent for all those in my generational line who denied their emotions and projected their fear and shame onto those around them.

Lord, please repair the attachment patterns in our brains and restore them to the perfection that existed when Adam and Eve walked with You in the Garden.

I repent for all those in my generational line who refused to rejoice in the Lord, who allowed their countenances to fall, thus allowing sin to enter their doors.

Lord, please remove the iniquity and pattern in my family line that flowed from Cain’s choice to remain in pain and not return to joy. I choose to count all joy, believing that endurance and maturity are gifts from above.

I repent for myself and all those in my generational line who did not acknowledge You as the I AM.

I repent for all those who, not seeing your LOVE, turned to false attachments to comfort themselves.

Lord, please cleanse the attachment center of my brain and wash over the DNA in my family with Your precious blood.

I repent for those who rejected You as Loving Father, Provider, and Sustainer of all life.

I repent for those who gave their hearts to idols, worshipping and serving them in place of the Lord.

I repent for everyone in my family line who rebelled against parents and authority figures in an effort to escape shameful emotions.

I repent for my generational line who became thieves and refused to see You, Lord, as the source of all provisions.

I repent for all those who lied and deceived out of fear or greed.

I repent for all those in my generational line who coveted things and for all who attached themselves to the belongings of others.

I repent for all those in my generational line who became drunk with alcohol, seeking to escape painful emotions rather than seeking your Face.

I repent for all those in my family line who used or provided others with drugs to exit from this world and enter into the second heaven.

Lord, please call back any parts of my spirit or my generational inheritance from the second heaven and seal the door with Your blood.

I repent for those in my generational line who did not forgive the sins against them and who held onto anger as a protection.

Lord, please release all debts and debtors that have been held by my generational line and please remove the tormentors that have come against my life.

I repent for all those who boasted in chariots, horses, and the might of men for their deliverance and protection.

I repent for all in my generational line who demanded life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise, and who did not love and pray for their enemies.

I repent for myself and all those in my family line who, not mastering their emotions, turned to their flesh, committing sins of immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes and dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, and carousing.

I repent for myself and all those in my generational line who have refused to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires.

Lord, I ask that you would release your holy fire and burn off the iniquity that has passed through the generations.

I repent for all those in my generational line who devised man-made rules, legalistic guidelines and spiritual laws to control emotions and behavior.

Lord I choose to live and walk by Your Spirit relying on Your voice to direct my path.

I repent for all those in my generational line who have tried to live and breathe alone. Lord, please interrupt the pathway to the pleasure center in my brain and form new connections to your heart.

I declare that I am a new creature in Christ and that old things have passed away. I believe that when I walk by the Spirit I will not gratify the desires of my Flesh.

Lord, please strengthen the pathway of the Spirit in my mind so that I might enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise.

Lord, please remind my spirit that it is seated with You in heavenly places far above all powers, rulers, and authorities.

Lord, please judge every spiritual force connected to this iniquity and restore everything that has been stolen from my generational line.
