Thank you so much for your donation to Crystal Thomas Ministry. This donation gives us the ability to continue to hold House of Deliverance, preach, teach, and share the Gospel.

(Crystal Thomas Ministry is NOT a 501c3)


Hi Kingdom Family. 
Our name is Sean & Crystal Thomas from Chickamauga, GA.

In December of 2022 the Lord asked us to open our home to become part of the end times Acts church. What we call, House of Deliverance, is our home, where we live, eat, and do life together as family, that has now been opened up to those who need just that also. We meet on the first Friday of every month, in our home, and join in fellowship and truth, along with deliverance and prayer. The Lord has since mandated us to build and grow this vision of His. We believe the surrounding areas of Lafayette, Chickamauga, Flinstone, Rossville, Fort Oglethorpe, and even further into Chattanooga need a growth of deliverance, and discipleship walked out in the Fear of the Lord under the customs of the Acts Church. We believe and feel the Lord has mandated us to help bring this to fruition. There is a long list of items to check off for this goal to be completed, and with your help we can fully expand and grow House of Deliverance to the degree He chooses it to be.

In short we believe:

  • the Lord has called us to purchase land
  • tend this land
  • build a home on this land to welcome those in need of discipleship and family
  • build an area accustomed to bring the deep revelatory word of the Lord, also housing a safe place for deliverance, prayer, and intercessory.

If you have questions or would like to discuss the vision one on one we are more than willing to do so. Follow the contact link above to message us privately.

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