The Basics of ‘New Age’


62% of people in the United States believe some aspect of New Age belief. Let’s remember, we are 70-80% a Christian nation. So, this shows how easily accessible it is, as well as deceiving.


  1. because people deserve the truth
  2. because it is a counterfeit form of spirituality,
  3. because there are people who are oppressed (evil spirits) by this movement,
  4. because it is straight up demonic, and rooted in satanic practice,
  5. and finally, because Jesus contradicts New Age.


First off, lets state that most people, let alone Christians, have no idea what New Age is. Yet, its ideology has been around for many many years,. As I stated earlier, nearly 62% of Christians believe some form of it. New Age, whose name is derived from the idea that the world is about to enter a utopian age of Aquarius, is a belief that utilizes occult methods and techniques for ‘enlightenment,’ ‘energy balancing,’ and ‘channeling.’ To simplify it, New Age is ancient paganism masquerading as 21st Century theology. The New Age Movement borrows its theology from Eastern religions, which found its way to our Western region by 19th Century occultism, brought over through religious leaders, cultists, yoga instructors, and more. It is basically Hindu Mysticism boxed in occult knowledge and wrapped up in a bow of Paganism. We are fed that this is the only way to the truest form of spirituality, to be fully awaken in our consciousness. When in reality, it is all a bunch of old ideas mixed matched together to lead others away from the better, truest, realest form of spirituality; a relationship with God. The New Age movement is a counterfeit philosophy that appeals to the feelings of individuals, leading them to think that they are god and can enhance their lives through their own person. Lets remember that Jesus is the ultimate authority on theology. Due to New Age, people are being robbed of grace, love, mercy, of a supernatural relationship they didn’t even know was possible, all because of the false “gospel” of New Age.

To continue forward, the following list details a few beliefs in the New Age Movement detailed by Douglas R. Groothuis:

  1. All is One
  2. All is God
  3. Humanity is God
  4. A change in consciousness
  5. All religions are one
  6. Cosmic evolutionary optimism

Norman L. Geisler divulges an even longer list of New Age doctrines/characteristics:

  1. an impersonal god (force)
  2. an eternal universe
  3. an illusory nature or matter
  4. a cyclical nature of life
  5. the necessity of reincarnations
  6. the evolution of man into godhood
  7. continuing revelations from beings beyond the world (spirit guides)
  8. the identity of man with god
  9. the need for consciousness-changing techniques
  10. occult practices (astrology, mediums, and so forth)
  11. holistic health
  12. pacifism
  13. one world
  14. syncretism (unity of ALL religions)

New Age = Satanic Occult

Anton Lavey, the author of the satanic bible, quoted:

“New Agers have really drawn all manner of satanic material adapting it to their own hypocritical purposes. But, in truth, all New Age labeling is, again, trying to play the devil’s game with out using his infernal name.”

The following are just a few of topics from the satanic bible:

  1. Age of Aquarius
  2. spirit guides
  3. thoth
  4. patheism
  5. lucifer is light
  6. all seeing eye
  7. rebirth through mysteries
  8. being your own redeemer

The ideas and themes of New Age are the EXACT ideas and themes taught in spiritual satanism.

Helena Blavatsky is considered to be the “Mother of New Age.” Madame Blavatsky, as she was known, helped introduce Eastern spiritual practices to the West and was the founder of the belief system called theosophy, which sought to combine the world’s major religions. When she landed in New York from her home in Russia, in 1872, she brought to the United States a knowledge of Eastern religion and philosophy that “paved the way for contemporary Transcendental Meditation, Zen, Hare Krishnas; yoga and vegetarianism; karma and reincarnation; swamis, yogis and gurus.” Blavatsky was also the author of a published magazine called, Luciferism. Within it she quotes,

“It is Satan who is the god of our planet, and every planet.”

“Satan, the enemy of God, is in reality the highest divine spirit.”

Blavatsky, the so called ‘mother of New Age,’ praised Satan, and her ideas and writings eventually helped shape the foundation of the New Age movement.

New Age and Christianity

The New Age movement is sly and sneaky . It is able to deceive while enticing the supernatural senses of individuals. You will hear common words, and even some Biblical truths that are in Christianity, but, they are warped and twisted with lies and deception.

To New Agers, God is not a supreme being who is distant from creation; He is creation. The belief is there is only one essence in the universe, and everything and everyone is god. This is the theology of “monism,” which comes from the Greek word, monos, meaning “one.” Monism is a common belief in Hinduism. The God of the Bible is personal, a Father, not an impersonal ‘force.’

Jesus Christ
Christ is more of a cosmic principal, or idea. Jesus was only a man, and New Agers deny his deity. Jesus, was a spiritual model, a guru. He had reached his highest level of enlightenment as an “ascended master.” He was a New Ager who tapped in to his divine power. Many believe he went to India or Tibet and learned his mystical truth there. New agers believe he did not rise physically from the dead, but “rose” into his higher spiritual realm. They believe that the idea (spirit) of Christ inhabited Hercules, Hermes, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, and more.
To us Christians, Jesus is our savior, the redeemer of our sins. He was born from a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross while taking on all our sins, and physically rose 3 days later, He ascended into Heaven and took his rightful seat next to the Father. He is our Messiah.

Holy Spirit
To New Agers the Holy Spirit is sometimes considered a psychic force. Remember man is divine and experience psychic phenomena.
To Christians he is part of the triune Godhead, a person alongside the Father and Jesus Christ. He is a personal being, rather than an impersonal thing.

Reborn or Rebirth
To us being born again, is salvation. A moment in time where we consider our faults and find Jesus as our worthy messiah and humbly ask for forgiveness and turn our life over to him. Tho New Agers are concerned with a future life, it is not the same way we think of it. They say the way a person lives in this life will determine the way they will be reborn or reincarnated into the next. This is not only a “New” Age concept, but one who’s roots are snug tightly in to the soil of Hinduism. In Hinduism the teaching of reincarnation involves the doctrine of “karma.” Karma is the law of reaping and sowing. If you are unselfish, kind, and holy in this lifetime, you will be rewarded by being reincarnated into a great place. If you’re not, then you’ll be reincarnated into a not so great place. Lets just pause slightly for a moment and remember my words from earlier that stated, you might also hear some truth, but it is twisted and contorted, this is one of them. Reaping and sowing is Biblical theology, but the Bible rejects the idea of reincarnation, and Karma is based on the theological belief in reincarnation, therefore the Bible rejects the methodology of Karma.

Sin and Salvation
Remember, New Agers believe that each person and everything is God, so they do not believe in sin the same as we Christians do. If a person is carrying around any “lack” it is lack in their enlightenment. This person would just need to alter their consciousness so he will think properly with their impersonal presence or force. Since sin is self absorbed through enlightenment, there is no need for a savior or salvation.

Symbols / Beliefs of the New Age Movement

Various symbols and beliefs are used by New Agers. Below is a list of a few of the more frequently known.

  • the pentagram
  • solar cross
  • hamsa
  • eye or horus
  • triquetra
  • spiral goddess
  • triple goddess
  • peace sign
  • chakras
  • yin-yang
  • lotus flower
  • namaste
  • evil eye
  • om
  • mandala
  • crystals
  • terra cards
  • mediams
  • psychics
  • yoga
  • burning sage
  • magik

Music and New Age

The 1960’s was a ripe time for Satan to set his destruction, and one group that stands out the most to me is, The Beatles. It was through the Beatles that many youth around the world were, almost over night, turned away from Christ and to the gurus of New Age Hinduism. On a trip to India, George Harrison became influenced by Hinduism. The Beatles then fully embraced this trend, resulting in many others as well. This lead to an open door of doctrines and influential power. The Beatles goal was to have a spiritual revolution; Gurus were given a platform to spread their chants, and the youth fell to the snares of the enemy and joined in with the chanting and praying to Hindu Gods (demons.)
Most do not know that John Lennon had an interest in the occult. He was into New Age, Theosophy, and numerology, and studied the book called, “Cheiro’s Book of Numbers. When John and Yoko bought the house near Billy Joel, he sent his assistant, Fred Seaman, to the nearest New Age book store to stock up the bookshelves in the house. Yoko was even quoted saying,

“when the Beatles performed they were like mediums who manifested spirits through them. “

In 1966, The Beatles released Revolver. It was the first Beatles album to make explicit reference to these influences of the occult: the final track, Tomorrow Never Knows, used direct quotes from The Tibetan Book of the Dead. It was also the first album that was also very musically different, psychedelic—at the time seen as an important component part in the dawning of the “Age of Aquarius.

The 1967 album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club, was inspired by the occultist writer Aleister Crowley. They even included him on their iconic album artwork for Sgt. Pepper (he’s at the top left-hand corner in the back row, right next to Mae West). In a 1980 interview with Playboy’s David Sheff, Lennon seems to replicate Aleister Crowley’s most famous mantra: “Do what thou wilst is the whole of the Law,” when he said,

“The whole Beatles idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? Do what thou wilst, as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody.”

Not only did Crowley quickly gain fame during the 60s with The Beatles, but also Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. Jimmy page never said he was a satanist, but he was a disciple of Alester Crowely stating,

“I feel Crowley is a misunderstood genius of the 20th Century…His whole thing was liberation, what you wanna do, do it.”

“I’ve employed his system in my own day to day life and this is the way big names are made today.”

Jimmy wore Crowley’s robe, used tarot decks, he collected all Crowley’s gear. He even bought Crowley’s old house in Scotland, Boleskine Castle, and used it as a satanic headquarters to summon “thoth” and “horus” (demons.) He even opened his own occult book store in London. Crowley’s magik books would explain how to do séances, and Jimmy would do these on stage. He even uses an obelisk on Led Zeppelin’s seventh album, ‘Presence.’

These are only two very popular bands who were and are being used as direct avenues to New Age / Occult ideology.

The spirit world is real. Heaven is real. Hell is real. There is an assignment on your life from the Courts of Heaven, and there is also an enemy who is trying to stop those plans. Any believer who is tempted to delve in to the dark occult of New Age needs to heed to the warnings of the Bible.

For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king.” -1 Samuel 15:23

‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:31

Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. -Revelation 21:27 

“But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars–their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” -Revelation 21:8

Now the actions of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, rivalry, jealously, outbursts of anger, quarrels, conflicts, factions, envy, murder, drunkenness, wild partying, and things like that. I am telling you now, as I have told you in the past, that people who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. -Galatians 5:19-21

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness instead, expose them. – Ephesians 5:11

Excerpts from Los Angeles Times