Fear Of The Lord

Posted: November 2023

Note: This is not to instill a deconstructive panic, but to release an alarm for intercessors to unite.

The Fear of the Lord will be, rather you like it or not, the next move of the Spirit. I saw the Lord coming in with His iron scepter and “adjusting” the stance of those lukewarm, or in stubbornness rebellion ending with a bent knee to the King of Kings.

In Isaiah it reads: The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. His delight is in the fear of the Lord.

Just as God is one but is also three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is 1 but with 7 distinct expressions equaling the 7 spirits of God. The Spirit of the Lord rest (stays) upon Him, and it ends with The Fear of the Lord. Notice, the gravity of this final 7th spirit being described as HIS DELIGHT.

On March 30 of 2023 the Lord was highlighting ‘the dark ages’ to me. I am going to copy and paste a post I made from then. This is it:

[[ The Lord has been highlighting ‘the dark ages’ to me. As I was researching the past moves of God and the church coming out of it’s on Dark Age.. the Lord has and will always raise up people to spearhead the move he intends to make.

The Dark Age of the Church was the same time period as the historical Dark Ages. It began in the 5th century and lead to the “Great Falling Away” which lead to the beginning of the period of restoration (the 2nd reformation) of the Church.

The 2nd reformation was to bring God’s church out of the Dark Ages. The 3rd reformation will bring the Church in to their FULL right standing in their inheritance. It is a THY KINGDOM COME restorative reformation. God wants the Church to grow up to ‘the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,’ to function on HIS level, not ours. It is a time of full partnership and willingness to MAKE WAY FOR KING YAHWEH. He does not want some ½ involved believer, He will settle for nothing less than FULLY CHOOSING HIM above ALL others.

The bride Christ is coming back for will NOT be like the apostate church of the Dark Ages. He did not come and rapture them then and he will NOT come now for a lukewarm, idolizing, wrinkled, malnourished Bride — He will NOT settle for that! ]]

That post will help better understand what I am about to say now.

I saw in the spirit the Earth setting on 4 pillars and the pillars began to shake and start to crumble, and the Lord echoed, “Are you ready?”

I then saw America in a desolation dystopian like setting. Everything was in a gray, black and white scale/tone images. There was no color so to speak.

America, you are not who you think you are.

I heard the Lord then ask multiple questions to us all:

  1. “Do you fully understand I am YOUR LORD?”
  2. “Is it worth it?” (This was alluding to things not laid down. I briefly saw some of these items one even being a fork. Oof.)
  3. “If you can’t even tell your kid no, how can you tell the enemy at your door no?”

I felt the spirit of the Lord say: The days of the weak, soft Church is no more. The call to arms is here. It is NOW. You MUST be ready. You MUST be prepared for war.

There is an East Wind of judgement that will land on American soil. “The horses are saddled,” says the Lord. During this time it will be likening to the Dark Ages.

We, the church, MUST, this is a mandate, fully become mantled in the entire 7 spirits of the Lord. We MUST have this full inclusive covering including THE FEAR OF THE LORD.

Psalm 19:9 says, The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’

This mean there is a HOLYness, a sanctification, a right standing we are fully walking in. Why? BECAUSE YOU WILL NEED THIS!! You can not be weighed down. You must have your hands free to be able to wield the shield and the sword.

Churches are out of balance. I heard the spirit of the Lord say, “The scales are about to shift.” Churches are stuck on specific theology and not embodying the fullness of scripture. He is not an Old Testament God alone, he is not a New Testament God alone.. HE IS BOTH! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow… forever.

On May 26, 2023 I also released a video stating some of these things also. I read Jeremiah 19 and gave a warning. I will attach the link below. . Please listen.. it is a word attached to all this as well.

Prepare says the Lord. You have been warned. It is up to you to listen.
