
I think as Christian’s we need to be careful to not always say, “oh this happened to me because the enemy.” I am reminded of the meme below 😅. They always pull the mask off to see who the person was that was causing all the problems and then it is himself. Ha. This image will preach man. Our choices matter. Our actions matter. It ain’t always the enemy. Sometimes it’s YOU. 🙊 And the enemy is just kicked back with his feet propped up smoking a cigarette watching it all take place. And a lot of people do not want to hear this, but here I am saying it anyways. 🤙🏻 The Lord has been teaching me the meaning of stewardship. If he says to do something and we do not, we are knowingly stepping out of his covering. And that’s with anything. 😬 Doing that is NOT the enemy. It’s us. I’m speaking to myself too. There ain’t no, hey get the speck outta your eye while I’m carrying a log. I’m saying hey 👋🏼 I need held accountable on this too. Example, the Lord has been on me about food. If I willing go against what he says. I’m making a choice to not steward his word. He spoke that to me for a reason. And if I do the opposite and continue to eat like crap 💩 then I am not allowed to say “oh man the enemy is really after me” when something happens health wise. It just is what it is. Our decisions are either life or death, light or darkness.

By no means am I saying the enemy is not after us. Or warfare don’t happen. Because he is and it does. 100%. But some times it ain’t him, it’s us!! And we need to stop giving the enemy more credit than he deserves. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤙🏻🤟🏻