Kingdom minded

As Christians, we need to realize there is no competition amongst us. If I ever feel like someone is competing with me, then I am OUT. Where’s the door? HA. We need to realize the Kingdom is VAST enough for us all. We all have room to fly, together. Just like Neil Armstrong said when he placed his foot on the moon, “this is one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.” His foot print moved us all into a territory we had never been before. This works the same exact way in the Kingdom. It does not matter that it was not your foot print, a print has been made nonetheless, and now we all have the ability to reap the bounty of that moment.
Let me be clear to add, by no way am I saying we sit back and reap while we do not sow. It is merely a gentle reminder, we are all on the same team. One small step by a sister/brother in Christ, is a giant leap for us all. I thank all the pioneers who’ve forged the ground before me, your sacrifices were not in vain. Many follow the path of fertile ground tilled by former trailblazers.
Let us not compare ourselves to one another, for we are not called to be each other, but called to be HIM. Let us not sift through the response of others as our meter of worth.
We are beautiful, because HE is beautiful. Let us all soar on the breath of HIS spirit together and in unison.