Hey y’all! I’m Crystal Thomas. Child of the one true King, wife, and Mom to two young men. I am a teacher, deliverer, and a prophetic voice for the Kingdom. The call on my life will sometimes offend to mend.   I see and call out demonic ideologies to be able to call forth your true identity.  The oil on my life has not been cheap.  I have gone through years of crushing for him to produce His wine in me. I walk humbly in the fear of the Lord. 

My husband, Sean, and I have been married for 15 years.  Our boys are Garrett, and Cameron. We live in a quiet little town in Georgia, close to the foothills of Lookout Mountain.  My life revolves around the Lord, family, and friends, in that order.  We attend Redemption to the Nations in Chattanooga, TN. 

I pray this site is used for the glory of God and may touch the lives of people who need to know that they are loved and loved deeply by our creator and Father Jesus Christ. I pray that every person who takes the time to read these teachings will have a deeper revelation of the word of Lord. I speak that a hunger will arise, in every person who visits this site, for supernatural knowledge, and a desire to know you more, Lord, and a deep understanding of what they read.  I speak blessings, healing, wisdom, deliverance, eyes will be opened and ears unlocked, lives transformed by the power of your Holy Spirit. I pray people leave this site more rooted in you, Father, than before they came. Amen. ⚔️

I believe in one God, revealed to the world as Yahweh of Israel, uncreated, self-existent, eternal, all powerful, and unchanging. He knows all things and there is nowhere where he is not. He is good, his word is inerrant, and his nature is love.

I believe God submits as the mutual indwelling of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in eternal communion. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit come from God the Father, and throughout eternity they have always existed with the father.

I believe God created time, space, matter, and all things. Accomplishing His initial act of creation in only six days. On the sixth day God created Man in His own image out of dust. Adam the first male and Eve the first female.

I believe God said the man should be joined to his wife, and in so doing the two would become one flesh in marriage. In diversity He created the marital union sacred, monogamous, and dissoluble only by death or unfaithfulness.

I believe God gave Man the choice of obedience or rebellion, and Adam and Eve willfully rebelled by eating the forbidden fruit, which came from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They suffered spiritual death and passed their sin nature on to us.

I believe that God justly judged the world with a flood, sparing Noah and his family through whom came the nations. And from Noah’s son Shem cam Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and from Jacob the twelve tribes of Israel and the prophets.

I believe that in the fullness of time God gave us His son, born under the law to redeem those condemned by the law. He was born in the town of Bethlehem to a virgin named Mary, and in accordance with God’s command was named Jesus.

I believe Jesus was chosen before the creation of the world, to live a sinless human life in perfect obedience to the Father, that He might die a substitutionary death in place of sinners, giving forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who trust in Him.

I believe Jesus freely gave His life in obedience to the Father, and at the order of Pontius Pilate was flogged and crucified. At the ninth hour He declared His purpose in death was finished, and he died and was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

I believe that death had no power over God’s perfect Son, and on the third day He conquered death by rising to life again. This was literal, physical, and attested to by over 500 witnesses, and is the event that gives power and validation to our faith.

I believe men are only reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and receive salvation by grace through faith apart from works. By the Spirit all believers are baptized into one body, the Church. Christians baptize, share communion, and love one another.

I believe in the equipping of Saints and that the full standings of the Five-Fold Ministry are available for today. God has graciously equipped believers in the church to lead the church. He saves, and He sanctifies individuals, filling them with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. And He gives them spiritual supernatural gifts, which work in harmony with their natural God-given talents.

I believe the Church is a universal priesthood of believers. Membership is not obtained by belonging to a denomination but is received by trusting in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. The Church awaits Jesus’ soon return when He will call us home.