Branches of the Occult

3 main branches of the occult:

• 1 – the power branch of the occult: acupressure, acupuncture, astral projection, hypnosis, levitation, martial arts, mind control, mind dynamics, parakinesis, telekinesis, Touch healing, witchcraft

• 2 – the knowledge branch of the occult: astrology, automatic writing, channeling, clairvoyance, clairaudience, Crystal balls, diagnosing by color therapy or pendulum, divining, ESP, handwriting analysis, horoscopes, iridology, Kabbalah, mediums, mind reading, numerology, omens, Palm reading phrenology, séances, Tarot cards, tea leaf reading, telepathe, witching

• 3 – physical objects branch of the occult: ambulance, ankhs, birthstones, charms, crystals for healing, hallucinogenic drugs, Rock Music, hex signs, Lucky symbols, Ouija board, pagan finishes, or religious artifacts, talismans, zodiac charms, planchet