Chain Breaker

Friday night at our Zion worship at church I had an overwhelming feeling of sadness hover over me. I felt run down. I felt over it. I felt alone. I felt just sad. I had no idea why. I had to just sit down and pray to the Father to break this feeling off of me. I sat there pretty much the whole night. And I was in continuous prayer for it break. Crying out, God, please what ever this is, this oppression spirit, remove it now!

The worship leader started speaking a word from the Lord, and it broke, the feeling was gone. And immediately I heard “there are people who live that way all day, everyday.” And I just started crying because wow.. I felt what someone else feels on a daily basis and it broke my heart. It was such a heavy spirit. It’s hard to even explain.

If you live with heaviness of fear, sadness, depression please cry out to the Father. He is waiting with arms open. I felt your burden for a small amount of time and it broke me. Please know that we are not called to live a life joylessly. But to live of a life of abundance. And know abundance is not defined by what you hold in your hands, but by what you hold in your heart. Jesus said, “A thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

So, if you are reading this. And this heaviness is something you deal with on a daily basis, I’d love to pray for you. You are more than welcome to private message me or call me. Know that you are seen and loved by the Father God. And he is ready and waiting to pull you from the pit of darkness into the light of a new day.

Father, I come to you right now to bind and plead the blood over any spirit of oppression, depression, heaviness, fear, sadness, loneliness. We know your word tells us you have come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly and I claim this now, in the name of Jesus. I command every false covering which would make minds weary and the spirit despondent to go NOW in Jesus’ name. Bind the works of the enemy, break every chain, and set the captives free. I pray that who every read this will come out of this stronger than before and feel peace like they’ve never felt. Wrap your arms around them now and lift them up to stand strong in you Father, In Jesus name, Amen.