Deliverance: Octopus Spirit

In the name of Jesus, I speak to the Octopus Spirit

I renounce you from my life, from my brain, my gut, my body entirely, my soul, my spirit, my emotions.

Your grip is loose in the name of Jesus. Each arm you carry will be cut at the root and will not be able to regrow.

You will not be able to shape shift into anything else to hide, you will be seen for what you are.

Your power to shoot ink will dry up and any ink that has been sprayed is cleansed by the fire of the Lord.

The Lord rebukes and burns away any eggs you may have laid and any suction cup marks are freed and made whole.

I pray the neurons in your body, mind, arms shut down. I pray now your body will start attacking itself rather male or female.

I pray any devices you have, any tools, are broken and dissolved to Hell. You are unable to hide in any cracks or crevices. You are found, all of you! Head, mantle, arms, entirely found!

Any venomous saliva that you have is gone, it is pure now, there is no remnant of any venom in my body. I pray the sharp like beak you have has now turned on you and is attacking you, you are dying, no regrowth, no leftover attacks, no residual ink, venom, or arms. You are dead now and are sent back to the pits of hell. Your power you had is gone and has been robbed from you.

My body, soul, spirit, emotions are now lining up with the Holy Spirit-with Jesus the son and God the father. I am whole, the holy fire of God is now cleansing my body, my soul, my spirit and purifying all to its heavenly creation.

The mantle I carry is now able to function.
for the eight arms of inferiority, insecurity, fear, anxiety, strife, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness are all now dead and I am fully alive.

This spirit is not allowed to attach to any family member of mine this is spoken over our home and vehicles and bloodline as well.

We claim all this in faith and by the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross.
