We all want to be around the fire, the intense Holy Ghost throw downs, the soaking worships sessions.. but sometimes people are ignorant to the ways of God. Ignorant as in do not know. Ignorant as in questioning things. They live scripture solely in a box of what their generations before them knew. If grandma and grandpa didn’t do this then it’s not right. If my preacher dad didn’t say this then you’re wrong.

Most see anything outside that box and run the opposite direction because in them they’re thinking:

  1. This is weird
  2. This isn’t of God
  3. I’ve never seen or heard this before so it must be untrue.

All stem from an area of ignorance

🔥🔥This is why the fivefold is so important🔥🔥

“Teachers are lovers of truth who are wired to produce authentic disciples of Jesus Christ. They are keepers of the New Covenant that invites men and women to know God for themselves. They instruct the body of Christ in a line upon line, precept upon precept fashion and are passionate about sound doctrine and how the Word of God is being handled.”

– Jeremiah Johnson

Pastors Evangelist Prophets Apostles they do not do what Teachers do. Teachers dig.. then explain it. Some times you need raw undiluted truth TAUGHT to you. Sometimes a classroom setting is what is needed.

The Apostle governs.

The Prophet guides, he is the body’s eyes and ears.

The Evangelist gathers, they love sharing the gospel, and when they do, people get saved.

The Pastor guards, he loves, feeds, encourages, protects, and cares for the flock.

👉🏻👉🏻The Teacher grounds, they explain and clarify the truth. They have an amazing capacity to take complex subjects and make them simple resulting in a strong foundation and deep roots in the Word of God.

The teacher illuminates Scripture and brings forth truth never seen or understood before. Prophets reveal the heart of God, teachers reveal His mind. Prophets have revelation of hidden things in the future, while teachers have the hidden things in the Word.

Lies are never challenged without teachers.

The teacher is someone who ministers the Word that releases God’s power and anointing, spurring believers to rise to their potential in God.

James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

These are heavy words & I will forever say the hard undiluted truth of scripture no matter if I’m accepted or not. Truth is truth. A teacher anointed by God to teach His word does so with obvious authority.

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”