Get It Right

As I was pressure washing the back porch today, I started on the outside edges on one side. When I reached the middle spot I had to redo the prior outside because all the garbage from middle fell over onto it. I thought to myself, lets start the rest in the middle so all the junk will be pushed out when I reach the sides. This may seem like a crazy comparison, but it reminded me of US. Yeah, I know right. LOL. God was like if you start in the middle, your heart, and work the issues out from there then all the junk we have will work its self out so much easier. Once the middle was taken care of, I was able to work much faster to my goal. Same as us, start in the middle, your heart, get it right with God. Clean up all the issues you have there first, because once your heart is cleaned by Christ everything else will fall into place and be so much easier. If you start from the outside in, your probably going to have a tougher time and maybe somethings might have to be gone over again again. But it’s simple, get your heart right with God and watch yourself be able to flow much easier in your goals and life.