Hymns only?

I love hymns. They carry the holy spirit on them. But let’s not hold to traditions of man as the “only way” the lord can move in a church service. The same Holy Spirit that aided in the words of the hymns is the same Holy Spirit today. Let’s not hold so tight to religious traditions that we toss out anything good solely because your opinion is it’s bad.

When we worship we are bowing to him. We enter his throne room. Let’s remember what Revelation 4 says about the throne of God. There’s thunder and lightening and voices. Rainbow. Sea of glass. Beast full of eyes who give glory to God. That sounds loud. And bright. And un “hymnal” like to me.

Let’s not restrict the Holy Spirit. Let’s let the vastness of God flow just like the throne room does.

Yes. I like hymns.

Yes. I like gospel.

Yes. I like contemporary.

Yes. I like blue grass.

Yes. I like indie.

Yes to all if God is on it.

The religious spirit will kill the move of God quick like. You do not know each persons heart when you see someone worship differently then you. How dare you judge someone’s praise merely on the traditions of man. Woe to anyone who says I have to look a certain way or sing a certain way to be able to carry the spirit.

🚨Will you be comfortable in Heaven? Heaven will be loud. The throne room will be bright with lights and rainbows. Will you be OK seeing beast prays God? Or do they need to calm down and Only open a red book to give praise?

No one is negating the spirit being on hymns. I love them too. But please please please take a seat if you believe the Lord can not be on anything else. That’s 100% walling in the Holy Spirit and boxing him up.

You do realize they did not sing from the red book in the Bible. You do realize hymns were “new” at one point in this walk.

Let him move. Let him flow. ‼️

The same Holy Spirit that wrote the hymns has the power to write new songs too.

Don’t miss out on what God is doing solely because you “prefer” him to be something else.

🔹You spend more time talking about what you are against, not what you are for = Pharisee spirit

🔹 Does everyone around you look and act just like you? You have to be in an environment where everyone speaks, talks, acts just like you? = Pharisee Spirit