Hype vs Anointing


extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.

promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits.

Hype with no Holy Spirit = THE ANOINTING OF THE FLESH

One is from the Lord, and removes the burden and destroys the yoke. (anointing)
The other is from the soul realm and just stirs up our emotions, without changing our lives. (hype)

We are co-laborers with God. We are not to be merely entertained. Entertainment keeps dead men dead.

The Word over performance.
Fire over fluff.
No fear of man.
No sugar coated messages.
No compromised beliefs.
No entertainment of flesh.
No profound words.

Many are searching for the undiluted truth and are lead to pastures that are soaked in hype over anointing. Their natural eyes are pleased by what they can see over what they can receive.

Anyone can entertain.
Not everyone will bear the crushing of the anointing.

Hype makes you feel good in the moment.
Anointing carries life changing oil.

Hype is not the anointing, but the anointing can be hype. One is not the other, but the other can be whatever God deems fit. Once you cross over in to the realm of the Kingdom and flow fully by the Holy Spirit it can seem out of order, wild, loud, exciting, it can be hype-like.

The difference is one is propping up your strong man while the other is ripping out his foundation.