Let’s talk Holidays

Halloween is 100% a pagan holiday. It is rooted in demonic ideology, witchcraft, idol worship. Unfortunately, Christmas & Easter also have some things pagan oriented. (Cue sad music)

Continue on to understand how the Holy Spirit guided me in discernment of these holidays.

⚠️🚨If you are easily offended, here’s the chance to dip out now. 🚨⚠️

Here we go.

📰 News Flash 📰 We live in a fallen, pagan world. Let’s just list a FEW things pagan.

1. The days of the week, pagan.

2. The months of the year, pagan.

3. The marriage rings on our ring fingers, pagan.

4. Covering your mouth to yawn, pagan.

5. Bridesmaids, pagan.

As you see, I could go on and on. It would be EXTREMELY hard for us to get away from everything pagan. We would literally have to live in a cave in the mountains off grid. To not do holidays SOLELY because you are strict about pagan holidays, then, by all means, do it, 100%. I support you. For me, pagan roots aren’t the “main” cause, but, obviously do play a part. Of course it would, some. So, when I “make my case” to appeal to you, my first things aren’t, “well they’re pagan.” I usually don’t even use that word.

The Lord has given me hard topics to talk about. I understand when I go live, or release a video, not everyone is going to agree with me, not everyone enjoys what I say, LOL. Most people delete me and block me. Everything I’ve ever said is said through the gate of love. Love = Freedom. If I did not care, I would remain silent. How horrible would that be? Seeing someone COMPLETELY free is the goal. Seeing someone walk in holiness unto the Lord = goals.

I sit with the Lord and compare the fruit & test the spirits: I compare what is taking place in the spirit on these days; I compare what is taking place in the natural on these days.

Halloween is death & witchcraft, no way around it, at all. You can walk through any store and see what it is about. You can see the costumes, you can see the decorations, even the attractions that are available. On that night many witches, covens, warlocks, Satan worshipers are out doing the EXACT things Christians are doing, dressing up, serving treats, tricks. Learn the reason behind these things. Witches/Warlocks etc are also out casting spells, 100%, and when we partner with that night by doing the same things, we come into agreement with them.

We are to be SET APART. Not to be familiar, not to blend in, etc. As Christian’s we should know this: “be not conformed to the ways of this world.”

Even Satan Worshipers say they can’t believe Christians celebrate Halloween. That is a HUGE statement. Do you think they take off their clothes and change in to a suit and join us on Resurrection Sunday? No!! They don’t. Do you understand prophetically what you are doing when you change in to a costume on that night? You are mantling yourself for the night. It’s POWERFUL in the spirit. Do you understand the power of our actions and words?

Does that mean we do nothing that night, absolutely not. We stay active as always. We just do not partner with the night; we do not become FAMILIAR to the night. In my opinion, I feel churches should hold services, deliverance nights, worship nights, not trunk or treats.


Christmas I do the same as I do with Halloween, I compare the fruit & test the spirits. There are things with Christmas that the Lord has 100% put his finger on and said, “NO” too. He hit me hard with Santa Claus and then said RELEASE IT. Do you think I wanted to?? No. I had to release that though and trust me people get BIG mad when you start touching their idols. In the Thomas house we celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus. Was he born on this day, no, he wasn’t. But, having a day set aside to honor his birth, there is nothing wrong with that. We do not decorate with Santa Claus; he has been revoked from our home. We do not decorate with elves, we do not do any ‘Christmas magic,’ we don’t sing songs about Santa or reindeer, we don’t leave out cookies or make reindeer food. We worship Jesus, we honor Jesus. Why? Because those things have become an idol during that season, and any idol has a demon behind it.


Do we have a tree, yes. I see the tree as no different than the two evergreens I already have in my home that are decorated year-round with cute farmhouse bows. To me, the tree is no different than the many household plants I have as decoration in my home.

I know, I know you’re already gonna say, “oh, a Christmas tree is bad, what about Jeremiah 10: 1-5.” Jeremiah is referring to carving idols for worship, not making a festive decoration such as a Christmas tree. It was a tree cut out of the forest originally. It was fitted up by the hands of the workman, squared, and sawed, and worked into shape; see Isa. 44:12-28. A man plants a tree (his own labor), and cuts it down (his own labor). Half of the tree he burns in the fire. The other half the man fashions into some “god,” the product of his own hands.

Christmas trees did not originate in ancient Canaan.

I do think Christians get VERY defensive about this holiday, especially when you say, “Santa Claus is 100% an idol.” You can walk through any store and see what is right in your face. We teach kids he is omnipresent, omnipotent, when that is JESUS, alone!!

In general, overall discussion, I also think we must be careful stating something isn’t this or isn’t that solely based on OUR lives of “well, I ain’t ever had anything happen to me during this holiday” Many people do not have bad “demonic experiences” on a holiday night itself, yet still refrain from it because it’s of the enemy, & do not want doors to be opened.

What I am saying is, when it comes to Christmas, Christians become very defensive and automatically buck up. If someone is stating something is demonic, we should maybe pause a moment and seek out some answers on our own with the Lord. That is what I do with the Lord, and compare the fruit, test the spirits.

Easter, we do not celebrate EASTER. We celebrate Resurrection Day. We give honor to Jesus. Once again, it is a LOT like Christmas. We do not decorate with bunnies, we do not decorate with eggs, we don’t do egg hunts, we don’t do Easter baskets, we do not die eggs, we do not say, “Happy Easter.” Why? Because those things have become an idol during that season, and any idol has a demon behind it.

The Easter Bunny is an idol.

We come together as a family and thank God for his son. We eat. We laugh. We worship. We prophetically mark our hands with red dots to represent the nails from the cross, and it gets a lot of questions, so we’re able to tell the story of Jesus.

Our walk with the Lord is black & white. You’re either in the dark or in the light. There isn’t any lukewarm in between gray areas. One of the very first things God does is separate light from darkness. We either live by the light or live by the darkness. We either serve God’s Kingdom or serve Satan’s kingdom.

Anything that is displeasing to the Lord is pleasing to the enemy.

So, on these holidays. Sit down with the Lord. Compare the fruit. Test the spirits. Seek answers. Take the time. Compare what things are done, and why. Every action we make matters.

If Jesus is not the main focus, then why do it.


Crystal Thomas