Make Love Not War?

🚨🎺The body of Christ is not this weak, limp wristed, spineless church of believers. It is not, I repeat, NOT, this hippie ✌🏻love no war movement that is trying to be indoctrinated in to the ears of saints. We are to put on the armor of the Lord. So that you withstand against the enemy. Armor is for war‼️ Thats even New Testament y’all. 🤷🏻‍♀️🔥 (Ephesians 6) This scripture alone shows us there is a 🤺battle being waged in the supernatural.

Heaven is a governmental ⚖️ structure with militant angels ready for assignment. The King of kings is seated on a throne of righteousness and judgment.

⚔️For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

All Scripture 📖 is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. (I.E. teaching, rebuking, correcting and training).

Believers are timid to speak bold truth and tiptoe around demons in lives of others because what the Lord has them to say may honestly offend to mend. Truth is love. Love is truth. To withhold or to simmer down or to dilute truth is an injustice as a mouth piece of God. The blood 🩸 of Jesus cries out.

Now is not the time to remove the firey coals of the altar of Heaven from pulpits. Now is the time to blow the RUACH on the flames to burn even hotter.

Jesus commissioned us to go make disciples. Key word GO‼️ We are NOT meant to stay inside the four walls of a building. He did not commission us to plant churches, and create more buildings. He commissioned us to make disciples then by doing this assignment will it grow the churches.

Not everything Jesus said or did made people feel like they were wrapped in a blanket being rocked to sleep with milk from mommas breast. 🫢🥴

Jesus came to wage war on Hell & to set the captives free and HE said GREATER WILL YOU DO‼️‼️ 👉🏻The 12 disciples would walk into the cities beaten, limping, bruised but yet the watchmen of those cities knew what they carried and who was walking up in there. 🔥👏🏻‼️ The fire of God.

I fully believe 2023 will be the rise of fire in the homes of believers universally. He is setting flames on top of houses through out cities around the world. The Lord is crippling the infrastructure of religion. No more will people bow to the shame and condemnation of missing a Sunday morning service because the services will also be up in their house!!! ‼️‼️⚔️🔥🤺👏🏻 Fear of man is breaking. Pedestals leaders are sat on being demolished to ash. An awakening of “I Am Able” throughout nations. “We say yes,” being the cries of the remnant.