Make way for King Yahweh

This is all I keep hearing in my spirit, day in and day out.

Does the Church understand fully what a KING is? A king is coming. THE KING is coming. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Mercy and truth walk before Him. This is what is coming. This is why we must prepare the bride. The KING is coming for a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. Deliverance is a call to holiness. It is a call to remove any residue, spot, or blemish. The King is coming. It is a time to get things in order. What does that look like for you? What needs to go to make way for King Yahweh? Too often Christians defend our sins in the attempt to justify our fleshly passions and unsurrendered areas of our lives. We excuse the spots and stains we preach very heavy on the grace side of things and forget that the Lord, the King who is returning, sits on a throne of judgement and righteousness. Psalm 9 says HE WILL execute judgement, but the Lord is also the stronghold for the oppressed and the stronghold for times of trouble. But we MUST loose any other strongholds before we can fully suit up in the armor of the Lord. We can NOT hold fast to the sword of the spirit or the shield of faith, if the KING is not our true stronghold of defense and rest.

The King is coming. Things need to be prepared for this!!