No Gray Areas

There are no gray areas with God. It’s black or white. You’re either in or you’re out. Hot or cold. There is no gray area of tiptoeing in the lukewarm waters.

Jesus said: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth” 

Revelation 3
  • Lukewarm faith:
    • Faith that doesn’t affect the way you live.
    • You believe in God but don’t serve God.
    • You claim to be a follower but live your life as if you’re not.

Truth or a lie. 
Blessings or curses. 

In the garden of Eden there was only one rule—obey or not. 

There were only two locations on the Ark of Noah— inside or outside. 

Jesus’ blood— is sufficient payment for my sins or it is not. 

The first to “smudge” the Black and White Truth of God’s Word into gray was Satan in the Garden: He said, “Has God surely said….?” Then he misquoted the truth and the colors bled together to form gray. 

God does not sugar coat His word. There is no fine print to read at the bottom of some contract. Just because we live in a world with gray areas does not mean His Kingdom authority bows to them. God does not wavier in His truth. 

God sent his son who became the bridge from one side to the other for us. Jesus hung in the middle so we would not have to. 

Our choices have never been right or wrong— they are life or death. 

The people of Israel tried to serve God halfheartedly and Joshua firmly told the people to make a choice—follow the Lord or not—but that he and his household would follow God. There can be no neutrality. This verse draws a line in the sand. You must choose this day whom you will serve. 

Last call— You in the boat or out?