Prayer: DNA Cleansing

I repent for all ungodly beliefs held by my family line and me that have allowed ungodly inscriptions to be written, either on any of my genes or within the DNA base sequence.

Lord, will You please:

  • Go into the enemy’s library and destroy all books that contain the enemy’s inscriptions upon my DNA, RNA and proteins
  • Go into the righteous library and retrieve the original design of my DNA, RNA and proteins, and imprint it on my DNA, RNA and proteins
  • Clean off all ungodly paths connected to my DNA, RNA and proteins and restore the original paths, correctly connecting each gene to the righteous lines
  • Remove all ungodly inscriptions on the stones
  • Remove my DNA, RNA and proteins from the ungodly length, width, height and depth
  • Correct the sound, resonance, and frequency of each strand of DNA in each chromosome, and remove the enemy’s resonance of evil
  • Disconnect each base from any ungodly star, star system, zodiac, constellation and/or galaxy, and remove the stars from their ungodly courses
  • Redesign the inscription on my genes to the original blueprint and intent
  • Cancel all blood, salt, and threshold covenants in my family line that have corrupted each DNA, RNA and protein
  • Heal all of the mitochondria DNA
  • Remove any gene out of any ungodly time lines
  • Remove any animal, fish, plant, reptilian, and any spiritual being’s DNA and RNA from any captured part that is still stuck in any ungodly dimension and the ungodly grid
  • Remove any unholy sequencing in my DNA and RNA placed there by the fallen sons of God
  • In the womb of the dawn, correctly sequence the ACGT coding of my original design in the conception replication of all my DNA and RNA
  • Disconnect me from the ungodly rainbow angel and the ungodly little book

I shut each door that has been opened to allow evil to affect each base, base pair, gene, chromosome, and my entire DNA.

I ask You to open all doors that should be opened to each base, base pair, gene, chromosome, and my entire DNA so the righteous gates cannot be closed.

I declare the correction of each base, base pair, gene, chromosome, and my entire DNA is accomplished by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

I recognize You, Lord, as the Master Builder and the Maker of the original design of my DNA and RNA. I now agree to align as a co-creator to the new creation design that You established on the cross.

Lord, please restore the path of life to (Name Individual). This day I choose Life and not Death.

(If praying over specific genes) Lord, please clean each gene as I indicate it and then put it back in the correct location.