Prayer: Thanksgiving Generational Cleansing

A generational curse is a habit or behavior that has been passed from one generation to the next. The enemy cannot throw a curse on a person for no reason, so he looks for open doors that we might not know are there. 👉 It is our job to pursue God and find out if the enemy sees something in our life that gives him access to us and our family.

👩‍💼 Curses are edicts from Heaven and demons ENFORCE curses.

Edict: an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority. – violating a law. Someone did something that gave the enemy legal rights to stand before the courts to receive paperwork to carry out judgment.

This can be many of things, such as: Words can be curses. Oaths can be curses. Pledges can be curses. Blood can be curses. Curses over marriage. Curses over families. Curses of death. Curses of sickness/disease. Curses over land.

💥 There are generational demons assigned over families!! Choices in our lives matter they can open up pathways for curses. Even choices our parents make over us or their parents or their parents parents, etc., it all matters!! ⚡️

Our God is a generational God, and our prayers should align with that.

Healing over our land is needed for the bloodshed of the Native American people!! I did not walk this land when our forefathers, forged through, but my ancestors did. It is MY responsibility to enter the courts of Heaven and close any doors that were opened generationally via the ignorance of my ancestors. When we stand before God and cry out on behave of the sinful nature of our ancestors over specific heinous acts it allows God to step in and deliver healing and restoration and cleaning. In return devouring any foot hold the enemy may have had.



I come into your courts on behalf of my ancestors, and as a citizen of the United States of America. I ask for forgiveness over my ancestral line and over the forefathers of this nation regarding the acts persecuted against the Native American families.

Forgive us for any acts of violence in the form of: genocide of indigenous peoples, colonial genocide, or settler genocide.

I know I personally did not attribute to any of these actions, but I stand before You Father and acknowledge the travesty of history of past forerunners and/or political leaders. I ask that you remove ANY an ALL curses on my bloodline regarding Native Americans in any forms of:


left of land

left of food/goods



failure to honor treaties

slave owning.

Forgive us, Lord, for causing any harm via the body, the mind, the spirit, or emotional damage on any and all Native American families.

I ask you to revoke all curses in my bloodline regarding this and for them to be removed now by the power & the work Jesus accomplished on the cross. I ask that the orders from the courts of Heaven be sent out on assignment today to evict any and all demonic agenda in my bloodline. I ask that you send angels on assignment with coals from the altar of Heaven to cauterize any area in my bloodline that is under demonic attack via any curses or open doors from my ancestors regarding early Native Americans.

Lord, I also understand the Native American religious traditions and/or customs practiced were not always aligned with You alone. I ask that you cleanse by bloodline and this land. I stand before You and ask that any and all worship of other deities, magic, channeling spirits, spirit guides, spirit healers, shamans, animism, ghost/spirit dance, charms, spells, witchcraft, psychedelic drugs, done by the Native American families be forgiven to heal our land, and any all demonic attachments be cast down in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask you to release your spirit our over this land. I ask that your spirit will fill the lives of all who inhabit this land. I ask that there will be a rising up with-in the Native American families. I speak a revival over Native American families. I speak blessings over Native American families. I ask you to open the storehouses of Heaven over them. I ask you to give them dreams and visions, and that your spirit will awaken a deep hunger to spur others to hear your word. I speak healing over them, from any bitterness, anger, resentment. I ask you heal their hearts from any open wounds past down in their bloodline. I speak a unity will occur – a reversal of what the enemy implemented many years ago.

I thank you Father for hearing my words. I claim all this with authority in the name above all names, Jesus.
