The Christmas Tree?

My 2 cents, why not?! šŸ˜„

First off, I think Christians get very defensive about this holiday. Santa Claus is 100% an idol. A christmas tree can be an idol, and ANYTHING above Jesus we idolize is 100% opening the door to the demonic.

I personally have the Christmas tree in my house. To me itā€™s no different than a house plant, until the Lord tells me otherwise. But, in general, overall discussion, I think we have to be careful stating something isnā€™t this or isnā€™t that solely based on our lives of ā€œwell, I ainā€™t ever had anything happen to me.ā€ Many people do not have bad ā€œdemonic experiencesā€ on Halloween night, yet still refrain from it because itā€™s of the enemy. What I am saying is, when it comes to Christmas, Christians become very defensive and automatically buck up. If someone is stating something is demonic we should maybe pause a moment and seek out some answers on our own with the Lord.

I know anxiety / depression is ramped up during Christmas time. Why? Family issues? Striving to meet expectations? Idk. I do know the Lord told me ā€œrid your house of Santa Claus because heā€™s an idol.ā€ And scripture tells us IF ANYTHING IS BEFORE THE LORD itā€™s an idol. And if someone makes the Christmas tree an idol that in itself is giving a ā€œfoot holdā€ to the enemy. We know scripture says donā€™t put any idols before Him. All I am stating is simple: if the Christmas tree becomes/is an idol to you and itā€™s placed before the Lord then remove it and donā€™t give the enemy a foot hold. ā™„ļø

To me, we live in a black & white world. You’re either in the dark or in the light. There aint no luke warm in between gray areas. One of the very first things God does is seperate light from darkness. We either live by the light or live by the darkness. We either serve God’s Kingdom or serve Satan’s kingdom.

Anything that is displeasing to the Lord is pleasing to the enemy.

So, if the Lord states something is unpleasing to him, and we continue to do it we have then placed ourselves in the kingdom of darkness giving legal access to the enemy. It just is what it is. I personally can’t list examples of demonic activity around a christmas tree b/c ive not had any the Lord has pinpointed, but I am always open to hear and learn and grow and i’ll remove whatever he tells me to, ive had many burnings in our backyard, lol. I haven’t heard from the Lord to remove it, but im open if he did.

To close, Iā€™ve seen so many topics and conversations on this and If you feel in your heart the Christmas tree is wrong and unpleasant to God or you feel itā€™s rooted in demonic undertones, you will hear no condemnation from me. I honor you all who seek a life of holiness unto the Lord.