The DNA language

A few weeks ago, we finished up Life groups at my church.  My friend, Amanda Sosebee, and myself taught a class called Learning the Language of God.  It was an awesome class, and during the 12 weeks, we both were getting downloads of information.  Seriously, it was kind of hard to keep up.  We made jokes about it being like in the TV shows when people would get information and it come across as beeping mores code or something.

In preparation for the class I started thinking on Genesis and the 3rd verse in the Bible where it states “God said, let there be light”. And of course, then all the other numerous time after that where GOD SAID.  So, for God to speak, He had to have a language.

Now, lets go down to verse 26 “and God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness…” OK, so, God made us in his image and God was creating everything with His language.  And my mind works in crazy ways, so I was like “are we part of Gods language, like, are we some how a language of God.”  He answered. He said “yeah you are.” I was like “WHAT? HOW?” He said “your DNA, the way I created you is a language.” I was like “you’re kind of blowing my mind here.” Then I started having all these little clues of DNA everywhere.  Garrett had science work on it, there was a TV show where a double helix balloon was in the back ground, and others. It was nuts.  So, I finally just said “OK let’s talk about DNA God.” He said “You may wanna sit down.”

To paraphrase what I’ve mentioned so far, God spoke, and to be able to speak you need a language, and God used language to create us, and we are part of the language of God.

Our DNA is a legit language. How our entire body works is an elaborate language system. To where even Bill Gates stated that “it’s so much more complex than anything they’ve ever created.”   We are the wonder of Gods language.   The language of God is inside of us.

The way we have letters, then words, then sentences, then books, then libraries. Our DNA has all that too but in cell forms.

Letters = Nucleotides
Words = Codons (amino acids)
Sentences = Genes (proteins)
Books = Chromosomes
Library = Genome


As scientists began to decode the human DNA molecule, they found something quite unexpected—an exquisite ‘language’ composed of some 3 billion genetic letters.  It is hard to fathom, but the amount of information in human DNA is roughly equivalent to 12 sets of The Encyclopedia Britannica— an incredible 384 volumes.


If you’re wondering, I’ve got a point I’m going to make so, just stay with me.

Let’s look at Jacobs dream. We all know the famous Jacob’s ladder dream in Genesis 28.  In verse 2 it reads: He dreamed that there was a ladder (stairway) placed on the earth, and the top of it reached [out of sight] toward heaven; and [he saw] the angels of God ascending and descending on it [going to and from heaven].

Now I don’t know if you know but the structure our DNA is a double helix one side carries info up and the other side carries info down. Jacob said he saw a ladder, and guess what the double helix is called A LADDER!! (I know right!!) Jacob said he saw angels going up and angels going down. The exact definition of angel is messengers of God.  Guess what we have on our DNA, we have little things called codons that go up and then down.  Now, guess what codons are, MESSENGERS.   I don’t think that’s a coincidence.  What if Jacob saw a double helix and just described it as a ladder because that’s the closest thing he knew to describe it as, and the obvious fact that it looks like a ladder. I know I’ve never seen anyone being able to ascend and descend on a ladder at the same time. With a double helix you have exactly what’s needed, one side for going up, and one side for going down.

I say all this to reach this final important point.  I wanted to let you know that you have a God spoken technology inside of you that gives you the ability to function the same way Jacob saw the angels functioning.  You have the ability to travel into the heavens to receive information and bring it back down. You have the ability to ascend into the heavens WHILE here on earth.  The ability to hear the supernatural is available. The ability to see in the supernatural is available.  The veil is very thin, and with the permission of God we have the ability to pierce it. Step beyond the realm of hearing a message from a church, a pastor, and jump into the realm where you can see the angels, the enemy, our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians 4:18 18 Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.

This verse is stating there are TWO realms – natural and eternal

  • Temporal – means where time is of value, our natural realm
  • Everlasting – means the eternal realm

You have the ability to access both these realms. Dying to your temporal body here on earth is not what qualifies you to finally reach the heavens. We have the ability to reach it now while still here on earth. We are spirit beings that have souls that live in a physical body. So, if we are a spirit being then there is a Kingdom that we belong to. We need to realize that we are in the earth, but of a different Kingdom.