There is power in your testimony.

You may still be walking through a battle, but STILL declare and decree the goodness of the Lord over your life. You can’t just think it, VERBAL WORDS ACTIVATE KINGDOM PRINCIPLES.

Walking through the valley sucks, trust me, I know. But, we, need to remember when Jesus was in the wilderness he wasn’t alone, he had the Holy Spirit with him and the WORD. He was led by the spirit to the wilderness. (“Afterward, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the lonely wilderness in order to reveal his strength against the accuser by going through the ordeal of testing.” Matthew‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭TPT). You are not alone. When things seem rough and cloudy, VERBALLY speak the word of the Lord. Draw your line in the sand, NOT TODAY SATAN. Pray in tongues. Journal. Take communion daily. Proclaim to the enemy, I WILL HAVE DOUBLE FOR MY TROUBLE. YOU ARE DEFEATED. I KNOW THE END OF THIS STORY. WHATEVER YOU MAY TOSS MY WAY WILL NOT STICK. I AM COVERED BY THE ARMOR OF GOD. Not only are you covered by the armor but you’re covered by the blood. The blood of Christ marks you for destiny. Ask the lord to reveal what’s in your Heavenly scroll. Enter the courts of Heaven, take your inheritance.

THE LORD IS MY WAY-MAKER, MY STRENGTH, AND MY STRONG TOWER. He is who I put my full trust in. So when demonic thoughts try to sneak in — I once again remind him where the line is drawn. I will NOT back down from any giants. And you don’t either. We fight from victory not for victory.

Let it rain Lord. I bow myself to you. I pick up my cross and follow you. Awaken us Lord fully to who we are in you.