When Healing Doesn’t Come me

For seven years now, my son, Cameron, has been allergic to tree nuts. This is something most people rid off as noninvasive but how wrong that is. A slight cross contamination and my son’s body goes into fight or flight mode; Trust me, it’s terrifying. For seven years I have diligently supervised everything he has eaten. The Drs have said and continue to say that this will be something he will live with forever, but I don’t accept that, I know who my Father is. I’ve continuously spoken healing over him, prayed over him, had him anointed with oil, etc. On one of his earlier allergist appointments for blood work to re-evaluate his allergies. I prayed, had people join me in prayer, had people agree with me in healing. Cameron was super excited. He was saying over and over “God’s healing me, and then I can have some doughnuts at Dunkin Donuts!!” Monday of the following week, we got the test result call… still allergic to ALL tree nuts. Man, did that hit me heard. I sat there confused and heartbroken. Now I have to tell Cameron he still has this issue and Dunkin Doughnuts is still a no right now. If you have a child with allergies, the smallest thing like a bakery is a huge deal. Continuing on, I finally got up and decided I needed some a lone time. I went to the bathroom and cried… hard. I didn’t wanna tell Cameron and I kept asking God “why, I don’t understand, I prayed and asked.” As I sat there, I kept hearing the words “when healing doesn’t come.” So, I got on my phone and googled those exact words. The very first thing that popped up was a video from Todd White (someone I watch on a regular basis). He was explaining how he felt when his own mother wasn’t healed, so I sat and listened. I felt a calmness come over me and I was able to pull myself together. I tell Cameron the news. He looks super sad, which is OK I tell him, I tell him why maybe he wasn’t healed just quite yet. And then Cameron said… well WHEN God does heal me, I can eat doughnuts then. My heart fluttered for a min because how small he was, but yet didn’t shed one tear and calmly said the words “When God heals me..” My eyes were then open to the definition of CHILD LIKE FAITH.

To those of you who are reading this know this:

When healing doesn’t come, God didn’t fail. We are called to live by faith not by examples. When healing doesn’t come we may not understand now, but we don’t have the right to make up our own reasoning or our own doctrine because we didn’t see someone made whole. When healing doesn’t come we are still called to believe the voice of truth. When healing doesn’t come we need to learn that God does things His way and on His time. When healing doesn’t come we need to know that even if the mountain was unmoved Gods still there to help you climb it. When healing doesn’t come don’t turn from Him, press harder into Him.