Why the flood?!

Why the flood, explained in a simple short read.

In Genesis 4 we have people who were defiling God, they weren’t happy with God and were turning away from Him, and taking his name in vain.

In Genesis 5 we have Enoch, who was a righteous man, he warned people to stop what they were doing. Also, he didn’t die.. God just took him home. Cool story, seriously, read it.

Now we have Genesis 6 and the ‘Sons of God’ aka fallen angels. They came and had sex with women – made hybrids aka Nephilim or aka “Men of Renown”. They were the titans, etc. The ‘Sons of God’, fallen angels, took the Lords name in vain.

Look, crazy things will happen when you become one flesh with a fallen angel, and that is what was happening.

We have to remember that Satan hadn’t faced judgement yet, he was trying to prevent that, he was basically out on bail. He was trying to stop the pure seed so no human born could “bruise the head of Satan“. Remember, this is the verse from Genesis 3:15 when God gave a prophetic word to Satan of what was to come.

So, Satan was trying to stop that word coming to fruition. The messiah needed to be born to pure DNA not hybrid, corrupt DNA. Corrupt the seed, corrupt the plan, so Satan thought.

But, God was like, I need to make sure this seed is pure not corrupted – hence the flood. And the only persons not corrupted was Noah and his sons.

God, was like, look, Satan can’t go around going crazy and doing this stuff, imma wipe the slate clean. But, b/c our God is a loving God, he gave them 120 years to kind of ‘get their act together’. He was like “y’all got 120 years to stop and act right or things will be done to stop it.”

God tells Noah, yo build a ark, preach the word to try and get people to repent, but continue to build the ark.

People didn’t stop. . . so. . . FLOOD.