
Words are not “just words.” Words create. Words bring life. Words bless. Words bring death. Words curse. Words are NOT and will never be “just words.” The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is a lie straight from the pits of Hell. WORDS MATTER. Big words, small words, intentional words, idol words, they all matter.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,”  John 1:1

To say words do not matter is saying God does not matter, because God is the Word.

Words are powerful

This whole entire universe was SPOKEN into existence. Then God breathed His life, who He was, into us. Meaning, the authority He carries with words we now carry. The very first “job” God tells Adam to do is to name the animals. Adam used words as his first action on the Earth just like God used words in His first action to create this Universe. Words are powerful. Words carry weight. Words effect us all naturally, spiritually, physically, emotionally; they give or they take, build up or tear down.

The words we use carry eternal repercussions.

The enemy can not read our mind, he doesn’t know our thoughts, God does, but the enemy has nothing to partner with until we utter what we’re thinking. Then in that moment, a foothold just opened. A crack the enemy can use and will use to slither in. It’s why the Bible tells us to “take our thoughts captive,” He’s warning us that our words matter, what we speak matters.

The Tower of Babel

This tower was powerful because you had a group of people in one mind, one accord, speaking their unified thoughts in to existence.

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.” “They said to each other, "Come, let us make bricks…Come, LET US build ourselves a city.” Genesis 11:1 & 3-4

They used the exact same dialogue God did when creating everything… Let us. They knew the power of unified thoughts being spoken into the atmosphere. It is why God came and shut them down.

““Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.”” Genesis 11:6-7

This alone shows the power we carry with spoken thoughts (words) in unity. With out their words they could not continue on, so, God switched up the languages on them.

Words are seeds

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 18:21

Words are like seeds which we are either carefully or carelessly spreading out all over our garden bed of life to eventually eat, bad or good. Words matter.

For example, If I was to say to you “this person is a Republican”..what do you think? If i was to say to you “this person is a Liberal”..what do you think?
Do the words I just spoke create a lens for you to see this person through? Yes, they do, because words carry meaningful power over what we think and believe. Words have the power to make us limit someone’s potential in God simply because we label people behind walls of words. We all do this, we all play this game, and we all carry the marks of trying to climb out of word boxes.

How can we change this?

We learn to become good stewards of our words, we consult God before speaking, we stay in the fruit of the spirit, we align our thoughts up with Gods thoughts, we think on things that are pure and holy.

Yes, we can deliver conviciting words of rebuke, but with this comes a level of discernment and a constant position of student (us) under the teacher (Jesus). Speaking death and calling out death in line with scripture are two different things entirely.